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Free from the heaviness of burden

Kerri was able to support the release of stuck energy following a traumatic event. After the session I didn't feel much different. But waking up the following day I was free from the heaviness of the burden I had been lugging around... free from the pain and tension that had been in my back and hip for years. 

Jude W | Hawkes Bay

Sarah G

"One of the best things you can do for yourself. The ultimate self-care. Highly recommend it!.

Olivia H

"Kerri helped me release emotions I didn't even know I was holding. 

Bev W

"My body now feels like it's working how it should be. Resulting in more energy, weight loss and confidence.

Deeply content

What an awesomely gifted healer Kerri is. I had the most amazing remote healing session.  I felt rejuvenated and relaxed at the same time. I felt like every cell of my body started to dance and aligned itself back to its truth and being me. I feel like I have come home, come home in my body, like I have finally fully arrived. My chest area had the most amazing opening and expansion. Something old and deep was able to shift and clear away. I loved the gentle cleansing and clearing of my whole system. I know so much has shifted, and I am deeply content and in the present moment. 

Kerri is an amazing healer, and I can highly recommend her to anyone, who loves to feel pampered and gently nurtured, no matter whether you are with her in person or enjoying a distant healing.

Carolyn P | Switzerland

Stephen A

"I banged myself up pretty badly skiing on the slopes of Ohau Ski Field. Amazed and incredibly grateful I found Kerri's energetic healing abilities nothing short of amazing and her intuitive manner supportive and helpful.

Teena M

"I finally felt that I was OK and my thoughts and feelings were ‘normal’ and it was just a matter of working through each issue. I felt ultra relaxed after each session and you are such a warm and lovely person that I was able to share so much more than I ever thought I would. 

Simone J

"Intuitively Kerri knows where you have issues and need help, she has a gentle, calm healing approach to treatment and she has never missed a beat with me - she is always spot on!.

Energy levels returned

Last Christmas Eve I got run down by a dog and ended up with a fractured Tibia bone. The end result was I spent New Year in hospital and had an operation on my knee. Physically, the healing was fast which was great but I came to realize that emotionally I had also taken a knock. My feelings were more dark than light and I felt out of balance. A bit like a car with a flat tire. A friend of mine suggested that Kerri might be able to help. 

Kerri’s treatment room is light, bright and welcoming. All I had to do was to lie on her massage table and relax while she worked her ‘magic’. After the session I felt something had changed but I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was. In the morning when I woke up, it felt like all the negative energy was flowing out of me. The only way I can describe it is like standing under a shower with water pouring over your body. Better still, I noticed that my energy levels have returned which is a great relief. I highly recommend Kerri!! 

Murray C | Christchurch

Clear mind and sense of calm

I have been struggling with my health and energy for a few months now. Kerri picked up on areas of weakness that have been noticed by other health practitioners. Kerri removed the blockages and made me feel light again. I felt incredibly relaxed after a stressful week. The huge weight off my shoulders released. I left her with a clear mind and sense of calm. Thank you Kerri I just loved our session together.

Olivia B | Christchurch

Stronger in every aspect

Kerri assisted me through some trying times and I feel I am stronger in every aspect of my life.

Julie D | Christchurch


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